Spaces for our Children


“The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain which grows seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. Allah increases manifold to whom He wills.”

Help make our new Mosque accessible and comfortable for our future generation.
This appeal is to invest in spaces for our children - the future generation. The ones who will continue to fly the flag of Imame Zamana during his Ghaiba.
Our new center will have a total of 3 parent and toddler rooms; 2 in the ladies and 1 in the gents. 2 of these rooms will be equipped for our children with special needs.
The total cost of these rooms is £300k:
Mother & Toddler: £50k
Father & Toddler: £50k
Large Mother & Toddler: £200k
Click here to Grab an opportunity to contribute and earn Thawabe Jariya.